CrushCrushCrush; {♥}
I'll fight for you till your heart stops beating...

Your Love;is my drug
Jun Wei
Ming Yi
Shu Chyi
Jie Hui
Jia Wen
Xiao Ying
Xu Hui
Tze Xuan

Memory lane is the longest road in your life.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 ,
6:12 AM

just the animation i created just now. vote :)
and put your comments in the tag board!

-leave a tag b4 you go :D

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 ,
9:49 PM

Always, its about school, school and MORE SCHOOL! but not today! today, we had our children's day celebration where all the teachers act as students and perform. everything was hilarious! i like my teachers when they are funny. not angry. ofcourse, who wants their teachers to scold them? I enjoyed myself today a lot. and i am sure the rest of you did too :)
especially when my chinese teacher dressed up like a......i dont exactly know what he dressed up as, but all i know that is he CANNOT rap. hahas. And whats more is that my last year form teacher acted like a "student". laughing my wits out now. I like my last year form teacher very much. i think she is my favourite teacher of all time! she even gave us presents today like a disney full scap book, a pen, a keychain holder thingy and a note. but i'm ofcourse not saying that my form teacher is bad. I LOVE THE PRESENTS SHE GAVE TOO! It is a keychain with our names on it. i like all my teachers actually....except.....oh nevermind.

-Mo Fei enoyed herself very much about you?(leave a comment in the tag board)

-leave a tag b4 you go :D


Monday, September 28, 2009 ,
8:25 AM

Oral sucked! i can't even describe the picture properly!!!! rahhhhhhhhhh i feel so ANGRY!!!!
i think i'm gonna fail my oral T_T
i seriously think im gonna fail my oral !!!
so bored. sooooooooo bored. sooooooooooooooooooooo bored. any videos to recommend me ? -that is....except for happy tree friends. listening to random songs :D RANDOM!!!
sorry im hyper. lol. bye. i too bored to know what to post.

-leave a tag b4 u go

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 ,
1:38 AM

The post thingy has finally *recovered* . Another week has begun. my exam is around the corner. so can't play so much anymore.Well, I just finished changing Yamin's blog background. It took me 1 hour. And Amrita, you need to pick for me a blogskin in order for me to change it. And i mean search for a nicer one :3 no offence.
I AM SO BORED! I just heard this song called KISS THE RAIN-YIRUMA. I love it! it is currently the first song in my blog.

MESSAGE TO YAMIN: Tell me if you like it! i can help you change again....if you don't like it. cause i couldn't find another blogskin like mine.....Please reply!


Friday, September 18, 2009 ,
1:34 AM

Its been....11 days since i posted! wow a new record! anyways, im not happy with my exam results so i am going to work harder! i'm serious. No more play. changed my blogskin. give me comments on this blogskin? i changed the background and added some boxes on my own. if you wish to see the original one, just head over to my TAG BOARD. :D :D :D i am still having some trouble with the links, so please don't rush me or whatever. well, anyways my blog is already dead. no use of working on it so hard. btw, hope you like my new blogskin better than my old one :D if the background is not nice, i can choose another one.

and rmbr,

-leave a tag b4 u go.


Monday, September 7, 2009 ,
5:05 PM
MY 2ND VIDEO!!!!!!!!!

I KNOW! ITS PLAIN!!!!! my second video only larh....

Friday, September 4, 2009 ,
8:14 PM

The first video i created. ps. i know there is no music/song.